ALA. CODE § 13A-11-14 states that a person commits the crime of cruelty to animals, if he intentionally or recklessly subjects any animal to cruel mistreatment; or subjects any animal in his custody to cruel neglect; or kills or injures without good cause. According to the statute, cruelty to animals is a Class B misdemeanor.
ALA. CODE § 13A-11- 240 defines the act of cruelty to animals, particularly domesticated dogs and cats as “overloads, overdrives, deprives of necessary sustenance or shelter, unnecessarily or cruelly beats, injures, mutilates or causes the same to be done; intentionally tortures any dog or cat or skins a domestic dog or cat or offers for sale or exchange or offers to buy to exchange the fur, hide, or pelt of a domestic dog or cat.” Moreover, cruelty to a dog or cat is a Class A Misdemeanor. It is punishable with a fine of up to $6,000 and/or imprisonment up to one year. Intentionally torturing a dog or cat is a Class C Felony. It is punishable with a fine of up to $15,000 and/or imprisonment up to 10 years. The convicted person could be made to pay for the cost of care of the animal. Acts such as research, protection of life or property, training, or shooting a dog or cat for urinating or defecating on property are exempted. Animal control officers have the right to seize animals.